Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I am so proud of my students!!!

Last week, we attended the weekly meeting of the Association of Clubs, a collaboration of 8 community centers in the Westmoreland area and the organization which sponsors the summer camp in which we are volunteering. At this meeting we learned that the organization planned and budgeted for approximately 100 students but an additional 60 showed up. Because of the additional students and even after much rationing, camp organizers said they would run out of chickens and rice to feed the children for the last two weeks.
As a group, we traveled to Petersfield with the money that we raised, and were able to bring additional for spending money for the group. We assumed we would use the money for a nice dinner, an excursion, or some other activity. When my students heard that the camp was in need, THEY made the determination to use our "fun money" to help the camp continue. Today we presented the Association of Clubs with $400 American dollars to help support the summer camp for the remaining two weeks which will include rice, chickens and transportation for a field trip. I am proud that my students are learning compassion and sharing, and sacrificing for the sake of others...we have met many Jamaicans that have modeled these values.

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